natal homing
1. i memorize our daily goodbye, commit it to memory until you return, just in case. on your way
out, yelling “in a while crocodile,” my “later gator” slips through the elevator doors as they shut.
2. strangers on the street often stop to marvel at the way we speak, a multilingual nomenclature that
only our transatlantic unit understands.
3. when you were three, on a trip to ikea, i let you pick a stuffed animal to buy, one of the big ones,
because your dad wasn’t there to say no. i thought you’d choose an elephant, but you picked a
djungelskog, the python. you told me his name was pilot, “because he likes to fly, fly, fly!”
4. on my 26th birthday, i went to the academy of sciences to see claude the albino crocodile. i
bought a stuffed version as a gift to myself. years later and an ocean away, he sits next to my
bed. you wanted a crocodile of your own, so we bought you a green one. you named him claude
5. i’m always forgetting the difference between alligators and crocodiles. like possums and
opossums, i have to look it up every time.
6. your class mascot is a turtle, schildy the schildkröte. in german, a turtle is a shielded toad. a
reptile is a kriechtier, a crawling animal. when you were a baby, we taught you the sounds
animals make: a lion roars, a bird tweets, a giraffe hums, a turtle purrs.
7. this month in social studies, you’re learning about dinosaurs. “i wish we could learn about
dragons,” you say. “but dragons aren’t real,” i tell you. you roll your eyes and sigh.
8. when i was a child, turtles were my favorite animals. some mornings you crawl into bed between
me and your dad, rest your head on my chest, and tell me you’re a baby turtle and i’m your
mama turtle. my arms wrap around you like a carapace, my body your natal home.
Natalye Childress (she/her) is a Berlin-based editor, writer, translator, and sad punk. She has an MA in creative writing, and her first book, The Aftermath of Forever, was published by Microcosm Publishing. Find her on Twitter @deutschbitte, Instagram @natalyereads, or https://www.natalye.com.